Advertising Information
Download this information, and the order form, by clicking here.
The Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association offers a variety of advertising opportunities in the form of quarterly newsletters, annual convention program, and annual membership directory. These publications are read and used by our membership of 300+ professionals in the fields of speech-language pathology and Audiology. If you have advertised with us in the past, we’d like to thank you for your continued support!
Take a moment to browse the various options and choose the ad package that best suits your business needs. All advertising opportunities must be paid in full to be posted or run in a publication.
PUBLICATIONS INFORMATION (all advertising must be paid in full prior to placement)
CONTINUING EDUCATION POSTING: ArSHA will post your continuing education event for a $10 per event service charge. To submit a continuing education event, please send the following information to
Date(s), Location, Title, Presenter Name/Title, Short Summary, Registration Information.ArSHA CONVENTION PROGRAM
The Convention Program is a complete guide of educational, professional and social events of the Association’s annual meeting, attended by approximately 300+ SLPs and Audiologists.
- Inside covers on first-come, first-served basis.
- All copies must be PDF, JPEG, or BMP format. Publications can be submitted in color or B&W.
- Dimensions are based on a full page of 8.5” X 11”. Business Cards are standard size.
ArSHA’s website provides you with the opportunity to promote your services, sell your products, find quality employees, as well as many other things. ArSHA’s website allows thousands of people to view something about your company rather than just ArSHA members.
Placement: Banner ads on the ArSHA website will run in a banner ad rotation. The ads are placed prominently on ArSHA’s home page.
Pricing: The standard rates to run a banner ad on are $100 for 90 days -or- $200 for 180 days of unlimited page impressions in our ad rotation.
Banner Ad Specifications
- Pixels: 300 w x 250 d
- File Size: Maximum 100k
- File Format: Standard .gif, png, or .jpg image
- Background: Avoid transparent backgrounds
Click here to place your banner ad:
JOB BANKJob Bank fees are $100 per month and $200 for three months (90 days). Once payment is received in full the pending job advertisement will be posted. Your ad will automatically be withdrawn from the ArSHA website after the 30 day or 90 day time period. SPONSORSHIP
Sponsors are always welcome for our workshops and annual conventions. ArSHA has many items/events that are available for sponsorship. Please visit our website, for all sponsorship and annual convention information. ArSHA will make your sponsorship worth the effort. EXHIBITS/JOB FAIR
ArSHA’s annual conventions have an exhibit hall booths and job fair booths available on a first-come, first-served basis. All information for Exhibits/Job Fair is on the ArSHA website, QUESTIONS AND CONTACT INFORMATION
Please contact the ArSHA at 855-727-2836 or We’d be happy to answer any questions for you, or help you place an advertisement in any of our publications.
You are also welcome to mail your order form into the ArSHA office: ArSHA
700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708
Pittsburgh, PA 15237