AAC Evaluation Process Updates

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Happy AAC Awareness Month! We as the ArSHA AAC Committee have created several resources to help ease the process of referring your clients and students for an AAC device. Under the Resources Tab on the ArSHA website, you will find a new AAC Referral Flow Chart for clients who receive DDD/ALTCS services, who also have private insurance or only have private insurance. (https://www.arsha.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DDD_AAC_Process_Flow_Chart.pdf)

Within that flow chart, we have updated a referral form to help start the process. (https://www.arsha.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ArSHA_AAC_Eval_Referral_Form_Updated_08082022.pdf) There is no longer a Spanish and English form but one form that is bilingual.

Have any questions about the process, check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information about each step of the process. (https://www.arsha.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/AAC_Process_Frequently_Asked_Questions.pdf)

We hope this helps smooth the process for referring clients for AAC devices! If you have any additional questions, please email the ArSHA AAC Committee at arsha@arsha.org.